Thursday 14 February 2019

PUSHING ON WEST. 14th Feb 2019

Here's a long overdue but brief update before we get into the real business of this blog. Sailing.

Elsie Paige
There's been a bit of a gap in the comms as we've had to traipse back to Australia to get me a bionic hip. Sounds a bit dramatic, but went pretty smoothly thanks to the expert surgeon and our wonderful friends who so generously housed and fed us on numerous occasions. In total, we were in OZ for 4 months. Highlights included the birth of our newest grandchild. Elsie Paige, 5th baby of Jason and Ferne. All 8 grandkids are an absolute delight and we had a fabulous time feeding them ice cream, leading them astray, then returning them to their parents.

Our flights both ways were direct from London to Perth, 16 to 17 hours in the air. It was tolerable. We spent 3 days each way in London with friends which was a great break. The flight to Lanzarote from Gatwick was easy and pretty cheap.

Now its all go aboard Taipan, commissioning equipment and scrubbing etc. We are in Lanzarote, the most northeasterly island in the Canaries Spanish island group, with plans to make our way to Las Palmas in the next day or so. Here we will provision and service the life raft before a couple of good friends fly in from London to do the jump across the pond with us.

First ride with the new hip!
I've activated the IridiumGo, which for those long distance sailors out there, is an absolutely fantastic tool, providing us with unlimited...(if slow).. data and 6 hourly forcasts from 4 diferent sources including tracking, free texts, departure planning and weather routing. We also have 150 minutes of free calls for emergencies. We first used it across the north Atlantic and fell in love. 

More soon. Stay tuned!

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